What is credit shortfall insurance?

What is credit shortfall insurance? March 2021 The moment you drive your spotless new car off the showroom floor, its value drops by between 15% and 20%. If calamity strikes and your car is stolen or written off after an accident, you may have to pay a shortfall on your vehicle finance on a car […]
Protecting your share portfolio from a market correction

Protecting your share portfolio from a market correction March 2021 As global stocks hit historic highs, some pundits are raising concerns that stock markets are overvalued, while others are of the opinion that fears over a large stock market bubble are overblown. If the experts cannot agree on when the market has become overvalued, how […]
March newsletter

March newsletter March 2021 Welcome to the March issue of our monthly newsletter. February provided some positive news in terms of the performance of the domestic financial markets, which seems to have largely ignored other local developments. The Bureau for Economic Research reports that the domestic economic data releases continued to show that there was […]