September newsletter

September newsletter Sep 2021 Welcome to the September issue of our monthly newsletter.ase the value of your home. While South Africa is still dealing with the effects of the third wave of Covid-19 infections, there is some good news that has come out of the world-wide pandemic. The way in which the developed world�s leaders […]
August newsletter

August newsletter Aug 2021 Welcome to the August issue of our monthly newsletter. The tragic�events that took place in South Africa in July, when socio-economic and political tensions finally boiled over, were poignant reminders that life can be very unpredictable and that unexpected circumstances�can�lay waste to years of hard work and perseverance. Seeing lives and […]
July newsletter

July newsletter Aug 2021 Welcome to the July issue of our monthly newsletter. We hope that you and your loved ones are staying safe and healthy during these challenging and uncertain times and want to assure you that looking after your financial wellbeing remains our number one priority. When it comes to the health of […]
June newsletter

June newsletter Jun 2021 Welcome to the June issue of our monthly newsletter. While the national vaccination program has picked up speed over the last number of weeks, whether enough progress can be made to lessen the peak of a likely third wave of COVID-19 infections remains to be seen. On the economic front we […]
May newsletter

May newsletter May 2021 Welcome to the May issue of our monthly newsletter. Global economic recovery gained further momentum during the first quarter of 2021 due to the effects of the monetary and fiscal stimulus measures in economies worldwide. The continued success of vaccination efforts internationally increased the optimistic sentiment about the re-opening of economies […]
April newsletter

April newsletter April 2021 Welcome to the April issue of our monthly newsletter. While the country is breathing a collective sigh of relief that the second wave of the pandemic tailed off in February, South Africa is bracing for a third wave of Covid-19, expected to arrive with the start of winter this June. According […]
March newsletter

March newsletter March 2021 Welcome to the March issue of our monthly newsletter. February provided some positive news in terms of the performance of the domestic financial markets, which seems to have largely ignored other local developments. The Bureau for Economic Research reports that the domestic economic data releases continued to show that there was […]
February newsletter

February newsletter Feb 2021 Welcome to the February issue of our monthly newsletter. Top up your retirement annuity (RA) contributions before 28 February and get money back from SARS. It is that time of the year where we would like to remind you to make the most of your available tax deductions. This can be […]
January newsletter

January newsletter </h2 > Jan 2021 Welcome to the January issue of our monthly newsletter. I hope that you had a relaxing time with family and friends over the holiday season and that you are all healthy and safe. Our thoughts are with those who have been impacted by the second wave of the pandemic. […]